Friday, September 17, 2010

The Advantages of Follicular Unit Extraction

During the body hair transplantation, hairs are removed from the back and sides of the head one at a time, leaving very tiny punch wounds. The tiny punch wounds leave no significant signs of scarring within a few days of hair transplant.

So why exactly is FUE a preferred hair restoration procedure out there? FUE requires no scalpels, strip surgery, and no stitches. Unlike a more traditional hair transplant that requires cutting a slice of flesh from the back and side of the head, FUE is linear scar-free. And best of all, because t can be used to transplant body hair in Body hair transplantation, the number of transplant-able hair is greatly increased. The newly transplanted hair follicles then grow in a natural pattern from the first hair restoration treatment. In addition, Body Hair Transplantation adds the entire body-hair supply to the donor resource, allowing even those who are severely bald or suffering from hair loss to aim for fuller and better hair restoration in ways that are not possible with a more traditional hair transplant. Patients who have undergone the Body Hair Transplantation procedure have been able to return to their daily lives immediately; many of which do not need to cover their head with a hat or suffer from hair loss ever again.

Dr. Umar is one of doctor who performs Body Hair Transplantation. If you are someone who is suffering from hair loss, come to DermHair Clinic for a free consultation and you’ll be sure to leave with a full body of hair.