Friday, October 1, 2010

Post Operation Expectations

The next day following surgery, the transplanted area should be washed and the grafts should be cleaned from the blood. There may be some soreness and numbness on the donor area.

Two to three days following the transplant, most of the scabbing is gone and there may be some redness on the transplanted area. As for the donor area, the soreness will begin to go away but the numbness will continue.
About one week after, the redness and swelling will almost be gone on the transplanted area. The donor area should have no soreness and the numbness may still be present, depending on the patient.

About two weeks after the hair transplant, the transplanted area will look and feel like a baby beard. The sutures on the donor area will begin to absorb and the discomfort will no longer be present.
The transplanted hair begins to shed as the follicles go into its dormant phase two to eight weeks after surgery. Knots at the ends of the sutures will begin to fall off on the donor area.

About two to six months following the procedure, some of your natural hair will shed in the transplanted area and the newly transplanted hair will grow as very fine hair. Any type of numbness on the donor area will be gone completely.
Finally, about a year to over a year following the hair transplant, 90% of the expected hair restoration will be seen.