Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A few baldness facts that can help you

Your hair starts to thin, and you start to see a receding hairline. These two occurrences are the enemy of any man, especially young men. Baldness is a condition that creates fear for a lot of people, even women. It tends to depress women and makes men anxious and less confident. A Loss of self-confidence is common, and low self esteem as well. Thus, It is vital to you know these baldness facts to help you battle the ill effects of hair loss.

1- Being bald affects men
Hair loss affects both men and women. However, less women experience total baldness compared to men. Why is the ratio so high towards men?
The main cause of baldness is the exposure of hair follicles to androgen. Androgen is the hormone that defines the masculine characteristics. For most men, it tends to begin with a receding hairline and then will move towards the crown (back of the head). There is a chance that balding will stop here, however, for some, total baldness is the result.

2- There are many causes for hair loss.
A lot of causes can create hair loss and male pattern baldness. Do you find yourself under a lot of stress? Did you recently experience a traumatic experience?
These are hair loss facts that men tend to experience for short term hair loss. If you find that you are not under any of the above conditions, then hair loss is genetic, and therefore will continue until you have noticeable hair loss. You need to know that there are remedies that may reverse your hair loss condition. You do not have to accept going bald. Hair transplants and medical treatments exist and are more affordable now than ever.