Friday, January 9, 2009

Should I?

Are you Proud To Be an AMA CLC Roxas student? You should be. With all the high technological innovations apparent on our lives today, I can say that I am proud to be a student of one of the most prestigious learning institution that educated and trained me to be on guard on what’s happening on the latest technology today.

Surely we cannot deny that technology is one of the most essential parts of our lifestyle today. And to be updated on what’s latest drives us to become insatiable to pursue the limits of what we can do with technology.

Being an AMA CLC Roxas student is something that we must be proud of. Within the walls of this institution, the foundation of future specialist in the field of cyber and information technology has molded me into what I am right now: a person with integrity and ambition to become successful.

Not only had it inculcated me with learning that would become my weapon to face the world full of challenges, but also have become my inspiration to reach my goals.

There is no doubt that I am a student of AMA CLC Roxas, from the beginning of my journey in the institution that have instilled my mind with values and knowledge worthy enough to become my passport to future successes, until the end of my struggles for victory and laurels. It has turned me into someone that can compete globally, equipped with enough knowledge. A person with perseverance, who never stops at any challenges and determination to withstand all the hardships.